Quantitative Fish Population Dynamics:

LÍF 611M Graduate level 6 ECTS
Period: Not being run in 2012

June 8-28


Prof. Gunnar Stefansson

and Teaching material



Purpose and contents:
The course covers quantitative population dynamics and stock assessments along with principles of utilisation using R for modelling. Students will undertake actual assessments and put together various related models such as those describing length distributions and long-term yield potential. Numerical exercises and modeling account for 40% of the final grade. Students have to obtain minimum marks both in exercises and in the final exam.

Course prerequisites
This course is intended for graduate students. However, 3rd year BSc students will be able to participate in the course if vacant places are available.General computer and numeric literacy is also required. Ideally, the student should have a working knowledge in R (or S-PLUS) or have completed an “Introduction to R” course.

Learning Outcomes
By the end of this course the students should:






Marine Education in Iceland, University of Iceland, Askja Sturlugata 7, 101 Reykjavik, Iceland